Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Getting Cozy in Boise

Massive (in spirit anyways)
Clark's sister Kelly, and her husband Craig moved from St. Louis to Boise, Idaho about 15 years ago, and started their family there. In all that time, Clark and Jenny have visited one time, and the girls, not at all. So, here was yet another destination that we were long overdue for. What better time than Christmas to spend with our family, the Drivers. Luckily, our hosts moved into a new house earlier this year, and there was ample space for us to stay. The 'bonus room' as they call it, or the 'Fonzie apartment' as Clark calls it, sits above the garage, and has been our home for the last few weeks. With four kids of their own (8,9,11,14) it makes for a busy house. We settled right in, and started getting ready for the holidays. It was important for us to make the girls feel like Christmas on the road didn't lack what they were used to at home. First up was getting our own little tree, and decorating it. Since we didn't travel with any decorations, it was up to the girls to make their own. Needless to say, they were up for the challenge.

Prancer.... I think.

 Without our usual stomping grounds to peruse, we had to find some places to go admire Christmas lights. Luckily, the Idaho Botanical Gardens puts on the Winter Garden aGlow for just such a purpose. We bundled up, and took a chilly walk through the lit up park, with occasional stops by the fires, and for hot cocoa. As a bonus, Santa was there too, so we got to knock that out as well.

The Drivers: (L to R) Kelly, Elise, Sebastian, Grant, Craig, and Cory

What would the holidays be without sugary goodies to snack on every day? With so many kids craving some sweet goodness, baking cookies seemed like the obvious solution. Six dozen cookies, four tubes of icing, and tons of leftover Halloween candy later, we were set. Enough cookies to last us awhile, right? Wrong. They were all gone by the next morning.  
Teenage Mutant Gingabread Turtle

Clark's Mom's life work. All 11 made with love, by her (the only one missing is Haley's)

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