Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Adios Arizona, Hello Winter

We were thankful for good friends.
Thanksgivin' groovin'
This is how vegetarians do Thanksgiving turkey
Our stay in Phoenix ended all too soon. The sunny, warm days were truly a blessing for us. Being able to run around outside, in shorts and t-shirts in November was awesome for everyone. But, alas, we couldn't stay there forever. The road was beckoning us. So, after a busy Thanksgiving weekend, that included tons and tons of delicious food, we packed it up, and sadly said goodbye to our friends the Murphy's. Goodbye warm desert days. Goodbye casita. Goodbye Murphy family.

Amanda, John, Clark & Jenny
Literally parked on the interstate for 4 hrs due to icy conditions
Almost immediately once we left the valley of the sun, the weather changed. It wasn't just due to our geographical change, however. Coincidentally, the day we left Phoenix, was the day that a major winter storm blanketed most of the western United States. And it hit us with full force. Cold, windy, icy conditions were everywhere. We had to alter some of our stops, due to the arctic conditions. Morning temps sunk below zero in some places. Roads were closed. Hiking trails covered in ice. It was frigid. Winter was here, and here with a vengeance. Sigh... Why can't it be like Phoenix everywhere?

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