Thursday, October 31, 2013

Goodbye Michigan...

The girls' time with their grandparents was pleasant and long overdue. In addition to hanging out at their house, a camping trip was in order. Grandma and Grandpa's nearby campground proved to be a great getaway. Well... it would have been great. In the summer. If your name isn't Jenny. You see, Jenny doesn't like the cold. Come to think of it, she doesn't really like the heat either. Camping in 40 degree weather? Forget about it. “How about going for a hike, Jenny?” … “”

 Luckily, her and the girls stayed in a cute little cabin, while Clark's parents slept in their new camper. The saving grace? A heated indoor pool, which became the highlight of the trip. The girls spent most of their day swimming, while Jenny enjoyed not being cold. Campfires and s'mores (a requirement when camping) rounded out the trip at night.

 Clark's job in Cape Girardeau ended, just as Jenny and the girls headed out from Michigan. The whole family would meet up at their next destination. We had fun Grandma and Grandpa!
Along the windy banks of Lake Michigan. No, girls, it's not an ocean. It only looks like one.

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