We are the Grizwold family. Up until this point in our travels,
the comparisons have been ignored. Our family, like theirs, is driving across this
great country of ours. We departed Chicago. Drove through St. Louis.
Worked our way across Kansas. Eventually we're heading to the Grand
Canyon and Arizona. And more obviously, the patriarch of our family
is named Clark. Yup. It cannot be ignored any longer. We're the Grizwold's.
Like his counterpart, Clark also wanted to stop and see all the
fun roadside attractions along the way. In the movie, his family did
not share this enthusiasm. Convinced by his wife to abandon these stops, Clark W. Grizwold gave up on his hopes. Unlike the fictitious Vacation family, we would
succeed where they had failed. Kansas was just the state to provide us
with such an opportunity.
That's right, we were heading to the LARGEST ball of twine in the
world. Located in Cawker City, Kansas, sits this 18,000 pound ball of
sisal twine. Started in 1953 by a local farmer, the landmark was
donated to the city in 1961. The town of Cawker City has fully
embraced this goofy roadside attraction. And when I say they embrace
it, I mean the town exists solely because of it. Every year they
celebrate their claim to fame with a Twine-A-Thon where
they add to the ball's total size.
This is what 9 tons of twine looks like. |
Additionally, in the windows throughout Main Street, are recreations of famous paintings with the ball of twine hilariously added into them. A twine path, conveniently painted on the sidewalks leads from the ball to these pictures.
We didn't see a single person in the town during our stop. It was sad, really. I guess that's what happens when your
town's sole purpose is a giant ball of twine.
Regardless of the state of abandonment in Cawker City, our visit
was amusing, and a fun little stopping off point in Kansas. “It's
bigger than I thought it would be”, said Clark. “It's smaller
than I thought it would be”, answered Jenny. A success. As it
turns out, the Grizwold's we are not.
Just don't put a dead body on the roof of your van. How is Norah's foot?